On Thursday, December 15, 2015, the RABC has hosted together with MIC & Associates – “The Enchanting Wines of Transylvania” a marketing and PR event dedicated to the Jidvei Winery from Romania. The event took place at the Trump Hotel – Koy Restaurant in Tribeca.
Enchhanting Wines of TransylvaniaThe scope of the event was to present to an educated American audience in the US, a unique, centuries old and highly appreciated winery. The audience included importers, distributors, chefs, restaurant owners and the specialty press.
Jidvei is a premier wine producer in one of the most spectacular and renowned region of the world – Transylvania. The participants were presented with specific information as it sampled the wines.
The Enchanting Wines of Transylvania was attended by H.E. Ion Jinga, the Romanian Ambassador to the United Nations and Mrs. Dana Jinga, Hon. Ioana Costache, Consul General of Romania to New York, Mr. Chivel Porumb – Minster Counselor for Economic Affairs and by Mr. Razvan Dumitrescu , Economic Consul of Romania in New York.