Limba Romana RABC
RABC to Promote US Business and Trade with Japan.	Will Help with Japan Parade Day on New York City on May 14th.

RABC to Promote US Business and Trade with Japan.
Will Help with Japan Parade Day on New York City on May 14th.

March 9, 2022

Last week, the RABC visited the Consulate General of Japan in New York at the invitation of its top diplomat - Mr. Futoshi Matsumoto, Deputy Chief of Mission and Deputy Consul General of Japan. Mr. Matsumoto was flanked by Mr. Naohito Sato - Consul, Economic Division and Mr. Maki Mizusawa, Consul – Public Relations Affairs.

The parties discussed increased US investment in Japan, relocation of US companies from China to Japan and RABC support for the upcoming Japan Day Parade on the Upper West Side of Manhattan on Saturday, May 14. During the same week, the Japanese delegation returned the visit and spent two hours at the RABC offices in Downton Manhattan.

RABC to Promote US Business and Trade with Japan.<br>
	Will Help with Japan Parade Day on New York City on May 14th.